Trench Warfare Game Mission 4 Count

Trench Warfare Game Mission 4? - Crowdsourced Questions & Answers at Okela.

Best Answer: This is great! After trying numerous combinations it appears that the point of the mission is to teach you that in those circumstances, there was no winning strategy at the time. Storm Over The Pacific 1960 Download Music. As a history tool, this is actually very cleverly done.

Trench Warfare Game Mission 4 Count

In ww1, the general staff of all major powers had to learn the hard way through their own trial and error that with the means available certain missions were suicidal. Memos written by officers as played here would be disregarded and sometimes the officer punished. The result was the loss of so many millions of men in catastrophic worthless attacks. Trench Warfare occured because of the introduction of an innovative weapon, the Maxim water-cooled machine gun. The only place safe for marching infantry against the machine gun was down, so the fox holes extended into trenches.