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Every software is programmed to work in a specific operating system and only that specific operating system can understand the instructions of that software. For example, in our case of IDM, it's only programmed to work on Windows. Linux OS does not recognise IDM at all. For Linux, IDM is just a piece of text contained in a package.
Speech Synthesis And Recognition Holmes Pdf File. But it does not mean that we can't run IDM or any other Windows software on Linux. There is an amazing project that we'll be discussing in this article to install IDM on Ubuntu or any other Linux distributions. So let's get started! The project is called Wine. It stands for Wine Is Not An Emulator. Yes, the first letter is itself Wine.
Well, Wine is one of the most active projects in open source world. The new release comes every week or two. It makes the Windows applications to run on Linux by converting the application instructions into what Linux understands. Bakon Jelly Quick Manuals more. Wine is easy to install, configure and use. Like any other application on Linux, you can run Windows application too.
Each of Windows' applications is first transformed into Linux and then Linux system understands it and provides the output. I have used many Windows applications on Linux and most of them worked just fine.